Moment Golden Retriever Becomes Jealous Over New Baby

Moment Golden Retriever Becomes Jealous Over New Baby

Moment Golden Retriever Becomes Jealous Over New Baby

A heartwarming yet humorous video of a golden retriever’s reaction to the arrival of a new human sibling has taken the internet by storm.

Shared on August 29 by fur_tails_offical, the video shows the golden retriever, Biscuit, sitting dejectedly with a look of disapproval as the sound of a crying baby can be heard in the background.

Although originally posted in June on Biscuit’s official Instagram page, the dog owner only expressed concern about the dog getting along with the new family member.  “I think it’s gonna take time for Biscuit to get used to his newest little human sister,” the caption reads.

However, the repost in August by Fur_tails_offical  gave more details explaining that Biscuit had always been the center of attention in the household, but the arrival of the new baby had disrupted his routine. The once-happy pup felt left out and confused, struggling to adjust to the new dynamic within the family.

“Biscuit had always been the star of the house, soaking up all the love and attention. But when the new baby arrived, everything changed,” the caption reads.

“Suddenly, his humans were too busy to play, too distracted to cuddle. Biscuit tried to bring his favorite toy, but they were focused on the baby. He felt left out, confused, and a little jealous.”

“The once-happy pup now watched from a distance, unsure of his place in this new world. All he wanted was things to go back to the way they were—just him and his humans.”

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The video has since gone viral garnering millions of views and comments.  Social media users were quick to empathize with Biscuit’s situation and offered advice to the owner. Many suggested involving the dog in family activities with the baby and encouraging him to participate in caring for the newborn.

“Please include him in caring for your new baby, all he needs is to know that he is still loved!” one user shared. “All you have to do is include him and he’ll be that baby’s best friend! Don’t turn your back on your first best friend.,” another added.

While the video is undeniably heartwarming, it also sheds light on a common canine experience – jealousy. Though jealousy in dogs may not be identical to human emotion, their behavior can certainly mimic it.

Biscuit’s story highlights the importance of understanding and managing dog anxieties during life-altering events. When a new family member arrives, the once-pampered pup can feel displaced and confused. Their routines are disrupted, playtime is reduced, and cuddles become scarce. This sudden shift can trigger feelings of insecurity and a desperate need for reassurance.

Just like Biscuit, dogs who experience jealousy may exhibit a range of behaviors. Some may become clingy and demand constant attention, while others might resort to destructive behavior, chewing furniture, or digging in the yard. In some cases, jealousy can manifest as aggression, directed towards the new family member or anyone receiving attention. These behaviors, although frustrating for owners, stem from the dog’s fear of losing their place in the pack and the love they once enjoyed.

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The key to managing jealousy lies in ensuring your dog feels included and loved, even amidst the chaos of a new baby. Here’s where positive reinforcement comes in. Reward good behavior, like calm interactions with the baby or playing peacefully on their own. This helps the dog associate the baby’s presence with positive experiences.

Involving your dog in caring for the baby can be incredibly beneficial. Let them “help” by walking alongside the stroller or gently sniffing the baby’s feet while you hold them. This not only makes the dog feel like a part of the baby’s care but also allows them to acclimate to the new scent and presence.

Maintaining your dog’s routine is crucial. Continue playtime, walks, and cuddle sessions, even if they have to be shorter initially. This provides a sense of normalcy and reassures them that they haven’t been entirely replaced.


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