Bulldog Bitten Twice by Rattlesnake While Protecting Owner and Sibling

Bulldog Bitten Twice by Rattlesnake While Protecting Owner and Sibling

Bulldog Bitten Twice by Rattlesnake While Protecting Owner and Sibling

A loyal English bulldog, Maverick struggles to recover from two rattlesnake bites after putting its own life on the line to protect its canine sibling and the owner from the reptile that invaded their home in Arizona.

Maverick who has undergone “rattlesnake avoidance training and will always stay away from them” was playing in the early morning of the incident when a western diamondback rattlesnake entered their backyard.

In a desperate attempt to protect his sibling Finley and the owner, Maverick sustained two bites from the reptile. Finley was also bitten once on the cheek but has since recovered from the bite attack.

The aftermath of the incident, which was captured on video and shared on social media, has garnered significant attention and concern.

The heartbroken owner who shared the video on Tiktok under the username @maverick_peach_finley recounted the early morning ordeal.

She explained how the dogs were rushed to the emergency vet after being bitten. Antivenom and blood transfusions were immediately administered to both dogs. While Finley responded well to the initial treatment, Maverick’s condition remained critical.

“Early this morning both Maverick and Finley were bitten by a rattlesnake that made it onto our backyard. we rushed them to the emergency vet and immediately started them on antivenom and blood transfusions,” the overlaid text on the video reads.

“Finley is doing well after the first round of treatments. he was bitten once on his cheek. Maverick was bitten twice and he is still struggling. Although he is not getting worse he is not showing improvement they would like to see after two rounds of treatment.”

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“Even though Maverick has has rattlesnake avoidance training and will always stay away from them, today was different because he was protecting the other dogs and me. we are heartbroken and hope tomorrow will bring us some better news. we love his for his loyalty and protectiveness.”

The video garnered attention with many offering their support and prayers for the dogs’ recovery. Others commended the brave action of the dog.

“I hope you get better soon babies. This babies are heroes. They were protecting their loved ones. Dear Lord let them get better please,” one user commented. “oh please get well you 2 beautiful fur babies this has made me sad but I pray for a successful recovery,” another added.

After spending one and a half days in the hospital, there was a glimmer of hope as Finley’s condition improved, and Maverick showed signs of recovery.

In a subsequent update, the owner shared a heartwarming video of the two dogs leaving the hospital. Finley looked much better, while Maverick still appeared a bit frail. The owner expressed her relief at having her beloved pets home and reassured viewers that Maverick would continue to heal with time and care.

“We finally got the call that Maverick and Finley were good to come home. finley is doing amazing and is back to his affectionate happy self,” an overlaid text on the video reads.

“Maverick will have a little longer healing time but we are happy he continues to make progress. He was very stressed out in the hospital environment and we know he will do better at home with us.”

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Rattlesnake bites pose a significant danger to dogs. The venom injected by these reptiles can cause severe tissue damage, internal bleeding, and respiratory distress.

American Kennel Club explains that rattlesnake bites in dogs can be fatal if not treated promptly. To minimize the risk, pet owners should avoid hiking in areas known for rattlesnake populations, keep dogs on leash and under close supervision, and consider rattlesnake avoidance training. If a bite occurs, immediate veterinary attention is crucial for a positive outcome.


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