Tears as Dog Takes her Last Walk Before Passing

Tears as Dog Takes her Last Walk Before Passing

Tears as Dog Takes her Last Walk Before Passing

A viral video capturing the emotional moment when a senior dog who hadn’t walked in months finally took one last walk just days before her scheduled passing has touched the hearts of viewers worldwide.

The frail dog, diagnosed with a brain tumor that caused her cluster seizures and progressive neurological deficits, had been struggling with her health and hadn’t felt up to a walk since July. As Marley’s health declined, her family made the heartbreaking decision to euthanize her. However, she defied expectations, surprising her family by joining their evening walk just days before her scheduled passing.

Footage of the evening walk shared on TikTok  on September 14 shows Marley  struggling to make her way through a field, accompanied by two other younger dogs who the overlaid text on the video described as her “pups.”

“Marley’s last day will be next Friday, September 20th. She’s struggling, but not suffering, and we want her last days to be mostly good ones,” the caption reads.

“Marley hasn’t felt up to a walk since July, but surprised us last night and joined our evening pack walk. She was so much slower than she used to be, so we took it at her pace and let her enjoy what used to be one of her favorite things,”

The video garnered significant attention and emotional responses. Many viewers shared their own experiences with pet loss, expressing empathy and gratitude for the opportunity to witness such a tender farewell.

“It’s becoming an ending for Marley, been following for a while and have seen her age more and more, you have given her the best life, sending much love,” one user shared.

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“On our last day my girl played fetch with my whole family came to visit and say goodbye. She brought everyone her toy and was so happy. Ending the chapter on a good note was the best thing,” another added.

In the comment section, the dog owner explained that Marley enjoyed her walk that “she kept pausing, putting her nose in the air, and sniffing . She added that “It was her favorite thing to do before the brain tumor. She’d spend 98% of her time outdoors. It brings her such peace.”

In a subsequent video, the owner shared an update on Marley’s condition, revealing that the dog had surprised them once again with a final walk on the day before her scheduled euthanasia.

“Today was our last full day with Marley. After sleeping most of the day, she surprised me one last time and caught up with us on our walk. She led the way, sniffed to her heart’s content, and watched her last sunset,” the owner wrote.

“We have a feast prepared for her tomorrow and will say goodbye in our backyard, where we’ve spent countless hours together during her rehabilitation and raising her pups and grandpups.”

The owner expressed gratitude for the extra precious time spent with Marley, acknowledging the precious moments they shared during Marley’s golden years.

“We only got 5 years together but that’s twice as long as I thought we’d have. Even though we were only together for 1/3 of her life, I know her golden years were the best of her life and have no regrets.”

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Statistics show that every year, 390,000 dogs are euthanized often due to factors such as poor quality of life and behavioral issues. While these decisions are often difficult, they are sometimes necessary to alleviate suffering.

Marley’s unexpected energy surge, a phenomenon often observed in animals nearing the end of their lives, allowed her to enjoy one last walk. This surge of vitality, sometimes referred to as a “death rattle,” has been observed across various species and has fascinated both pet owners and veterinarians alike. While the exact cause of this phenomenon is not fully understood, it offers a bittersweet comfort to pet owners who witness it.

@thekittyandmarley Marley’s last day will be next Friday, September 20th. She’s struggling, but not suffering, and we want her last days to be mostly good ones. Marley hasn’t felt up to a walk since July, but surprised us last night and joined our evening pack walk. She was so much slower than she used to be, so we took it at her pace and let her enjoy what used to be one of her favorite things. We’ll be letting her go at home, after a feast of her favorite foods, so her puppy and grabdpuppies can say goodbye. #seniordog #hospicedog #rescuedog #dogmom #petloss #feraldogs #lastwalk ♬ sun and moon – mage tears

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