How to Stop a Bird from Biting: A Guide for Owners

How to Stop a Bird from Biting: A Guide for Owners

Birds are amazing creatures, but they can also be bitters. Even the most tame and loving bird can occasionally bite, especially if it feels threatened or scared. However, there are several things you can do to stop your bird from biting and to create a more harmonious relationship between you and your pet.

Why do birds bite?

There are several reasons why birds bite, including:

  • Fear: If a bird feels threatened or scared, it may bite as a defense mechanism. This is especially common in new birds or birds abused or neglected.
  • Excitement: Birds can also bite out of excitement, especially when playing or interacting with their owners. However, this type of biting is usually gentle and does not cause harm.
  • Aggression: Some birds may bite out of charge, especially if they are territorial or have not been adequately socialized. This type of biting can be more severe and may cause injury.
  • Boredom: Birds that are bored or understimulated may also resort to biting. This is because biting can be a way for them to relieve stress and get attention.

How to stop a bird from biting

The best way to stop a bird from biting is to understand the underlying cause of the behavior. Once you know why your bird is biting, you can take steps to address the issue.

Here are some general tips for stopping a bird from biting:

  • Provide your bird with a safe and secure environment. This means having a cage that is the right size for your bird and located in a quiet area of your home. You should also avoid putting your bird in situations where it may feel threatened or scared.
  • Socialize your bird correctly. This means exposing your bird to new people and experiences from a young age. The more socialized your bird is, the less likely it is to bite out of fear or aggression.
  • Give your bird plenty of toys and activities to keep it occupied. A bored bird is more likely to bite, so it is essential to provide it with various toys and activities to keep it entertained.
  • Be consistent with your training. When you train your bird not to bite, it is essential to be compatible with your commands and rewards. This will help your bird to learn that biting is not acceptable behavior.
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Here are some specific tips for addressing different types of biting:

  • Fear biting: If your bird is biting out of fear, the best thing you can do is to avoid putting it in situations where it feels threatened or scared. It would help if you also tried to socialize your bird more and provide a safe and secure environment.
  • Excitement biting: If your bird is biting out of excitement, the best thing you can do is to redirect its attention to something else, such as a toy or a treat. You can also try to teach your bird a command, such as “gentle,” to help it control its excitement.
  • Aggressive biting: If your bird is biting out of aggression, you can best consult a professional avian behaviorist. They can help you to identify the underlying cause of your bird’s attack and develop a plan to address it.
  • Boredom biting: If your bird is biting out of boredom, the best thing you can do is to give it more toys and activities to keep it occupied. You can also train your bird to do tricks or play games.

What to do if your bird bites you

If your bird bites you, the best thing you can do is to remain calm and avoid reacting. Reacting to your bird’s bite will only reinforce the behavior. Instead, gently put your bird down and walk away.

If your bird bites you hard enough to break the skin, you should clean the wound thoroughly and seek medical attention if necessary.


Biting is a common problem in birds but can be addressed with patience and consistency. By following the tips above, you can help your bird learn that biting is unacceptable behavior.

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Here are some additional tips for success:

  • Be patient. It may take some time for your bird to learn not to bite. Be patient and consistent with your training; eventually, your bird will get the message.
  • Be positive. When your bird behaves well, praise it and give it treats. This will help to reinforce good behavior.
  • Don’t give up. Don’t give up if you are struggling to stop your bird from biting. Several resources are available to help you, such as avian behaviorists and online.


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